Creating Trauma-Informed Workspaces
This workshop offers a comprehensive approach to understanding, addressing, and mitigating the impact of emotional trauma, including secondary and vicarious trauma, on educators, healthcare providers, and first responders. It provides practical tools, mutual support, and a transformative journey toward personal growth and resilience. Throughout these sessions, we will delve into the enriching themes of joy, purpose, and perspective, exploring pathways towards personal growth and becoming our best selves.
Professional Speaking Engagement
Through her keynote speeches, Dr. Green inspires an audience with thought-provoking examples and techniques in real life-time, giving them the insight and self-analysis that is needed for both spiritual and personal growth. Dr. Green delves into a space of conversation that needs to be discussed and she does it with insight, understanding and empathy. She has the unbelievable charisma to deliver an intimate, passionate and profound experience for everyone.
Culture and Climate
With this interactive experience, we assist organizations to examine their policies and practices to ensure alignment to their intended mission. Participants will explore the ways in which they are creating and sustaining a culture that empowers and creates space for innovation to increase company outputs. Through applying a layered framework, participants will engage in a strategic partnership to examine how the organization can enhance current structures to achieve organizational wellness.
Leadership Development
Through an interactive team-building experience, we support participants to examine personal beliefs and how those beliefs show up in how they engage their colleagues and clients. This experience will allow participants to investigate their own self while challenging their own beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions. Staff will explore ways to effectively communicate across lines of difference while acquiring skills that will both enforce and model how inclusivity enhances work culture and climates that are mutually respectful, inviting, and value diversity.
A child’s journey into adulthood requires the ability to ebb and flow. It requires the ability to be flexible and firm at different parts of their journey. It also requires that the teachers around and in front of them are aware enough to grant grace and hold them accountable in ways that are nurturing, constructive, and insightful -hence ebb and flow must be the context by which we teach them. Dr. Ebony Green believes, however, that teachers (literally and figuratively) can shape and mold students. It was, in fact, a teacher who first cultivated the belief within her that she was enough and that she lacked nothing. That very sentiment would unleash a fire within her to become who she is.